
Our solutions for smart lighting are delivered through a comprehensive PaaS (platform as a service) – communicating the location, status, energy consumption, & condition of indoor/outdoor lighting in real-time. 

What is smart lighting?


Remotely control public LED lighs and get actionable insights on energy consumption, maintenance activities & system performance. Manage through our platform:

Dimmer control

Alert control

Work orders

Light intensity scheduling

On/off switch


Preventive maintenance


Remotely control indoor lights and get actionable insights on energy consumption, system performance and occupant behaviors. Use lights’ access points to collect positioning data of registered devices and understand:

Hardware reporting & real-time condition

Energy consumption

Alert reports

Failure forecasting & prevention

Reporting on registered devices

Preventive maintenance

IoT platform for lighting

From system overview down to every light- understand whether lights are performing accordingly, or get alerted if they are not.
Our platform will allow you to achieve the max potential of every light.